A Letter Written By Alexander Hamilton 242 Years Ago Is On Display


One of America’s founding fathers, Alexander Hamilton, wrote a letter in 1780 that was stolen years ago but is now being found and made public.

The letter from the renowned rebel was taken from the Massachusetts state archives.

On this day, July 4, the anniversary of America’s annual Independence Day celebrations, the letter was exhibited at the Commonwealth Museum.

The letter, which was returned to the state of Massachusetts following a protracted court dispute, has never before been viewed by the general public.

The letter was addressed to Marquee Lafayette by Alexander Hamilton, the first US Secretary of the Treasury, and was written in French.

The letter, dated July 21, 1780, described how the British troops on an island posed a threat to the French army.

The military secretary for Hamilton also put his signature on the letter.

According to reports, a World War II archive staffer stole and sold the letter.

The letter was sent by a family for sale at an auction in Virginia many years later.

The auction house reported it to the Federal Bureau of Investigation under the assumption that it was a stolen letter.

Hamilton’s letter was formally recognized as state property when the case was brought up in court.

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